We have meals on the first Wednesday of every month. Join us from 5:30-6:15pm! Contact the church office to reserve your plate!
Contact the Church office for the menu!
$5 per person or $20 per family.
Boulevard University is offered on Wednesdays at 6:30pm with the exception of the first Wednesday of the month.
Current study: Systematic Theology
Our current study is on Systematic Theology, where we dive deep into core doctrines of the Christian Faith.
Kids and youth meet each wednesday night at 6:30pm in the family life center
“Kids are in a unique stage of life where they are curious, eager to learn and receptive to truth. It’s during this time that they can develop a spiritual foundation for the rest of their lives!”
Boulevard Sanctuary choir meets Wednesdays at 7pm.
Throughout Scripture, God’s people are commanded to sing. In fact there are almost 50 direct exhortations to sing found in Scripture. If you are interested in worshiping God through music, we have a place for you! We are looking for those with a heart for worship through song. The Boulevard Celebration Choir is full of loving people who enjoy praising our Savior. Come join us, you’ll be glad you did!
“Singing, as with all outward expressions of our worship, will never save us. But singing will help lead us to the One who will. The command to sing leads us to Christ with joy to praise and follow Him.” - Sing! Keith and Kristyn Getty